Saturday, January 2, 2010

A Message for the New Year

Those of us who have settled here have virtually died and gone to heaven. We came here to enjoy our place in paradise, not to anguish over every nit and nat. But at times it can feel that way, can't it? I don't think any of us thought the day would come when we'd have to fight so hard to protect something as wonderful as our city.

In 2009 we learned that every vote counts and every single act each individual can do to protect what we’ve got is vital. How great it felt just to walk down the beach following the landslide election aware that the vast majority of us share the same passion for this place and really do care and understand what's at stake.

So, let’s all resolve to spend plenty of time enjoying what our wonderful city provides us, while promising to remain vigilant. Because, as long as there are bucks to be made at the expense of what we cherish, there will always be those marching under the banner of whatever trying to hammer away at our legacy.

In November, we Anna Marians demonstrated to all around us that we are resolute in our will to protect that which we hold dear. Let’s remain so in Novembers to come.

1 comment:

  1. Here are some other things we learned in 2009.

    That a lone newspaper editor is emotionally wrapped (like a mullet) up in her blatant favoritism: She spewed forth the following just prior to the election in a streaming consciousness editorial: “Unfortunately, this election has brought out some of the worst commentary we’ve ever heard from our readers. And some cheaters and bloggers—soon to be voted off, out and underground. We hope.” Careful what you hope for!

    That there is an island within the island within the island in the form of Betsy Hills, who stood out like a sore thumb midst a business community 99.9% united behind “them.”

    That two sitting elected officials (Mattick and Barford) have a two-part problem: A) How do you two deal with the winners whom you put down in your direct-mailed endorsements but who now are at your side on the dais? B) Come November, when you’re up for re-election, how will you explain yourselves to the many residents who think your letters, paid for by the losing candidates' campaigns, were totally out of line?

    That popcorn and politics don’t mix: Not surprisingly, its straw poll put a lot of wind in the sales of the victors until both ran hard aground in the November 3 tsunami!

    That both our newspapers and our mayor are a bit democracy-challenged: Each expressed disparagement that there were two sides in the election. “Us versus them,” was the cliché du jour during the campaign.

    That Commissioner Mattick is only 1/2 insightful: In her endorsement letter, she said: "I hope you will take my concerns to heart and use your vote to create a landslide for Chris and David." Landslide, si! Chris and David, no!

    That no matter how hard the big money tries, the City of Anna Maria’s government is not for sale: The vote count was inversely proportional to the dollars contributed.

    That as long as so many care, Anna Maria will not go the way of the rest of Florida.


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