Sunday, January 24, 2010

Should voters decide what's best for their community?

I wanted to make the bloggers aware of an issue which will come before all Florida citizens and would result, if passed , in a change to our constitution. It is called Hometown Democracy and it would result in any changes to Comprehensive Plans being brought before the voters.

Quote from the site: "Each of us has a huge stake in growth decisions that can drastically alter our community's future for generations to come. Each community has adopted its own comprehensive plan: a long-term master plan for sensible growth. Currently, elected city and county commissioners have exclusive power to make changes to the plan. Rising taxes, falling home values, gridlocked roads, dwindling water supplies and Florida's disappearing beauty are just some of the devastating consequences of Florida politicians' habit of rubberstamping speculative plan changes.
With Amendment 4, your power to vote on growth will enable you to preserve your neighborhood and your community and protect the value of your home."

Please check out the Hometown Democracy Site at form your own opinions but to me this strikes right at the heart of what we have been faced with in Anna Maria. A few making lucrative pro-development decisions to line their and their friend's pockets at the expense of all of citizens who pay the majority of the taxes.

1 comment:

  1. More on Hometown Democracy is available in this file at:


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