Thursday, June 10, 2010

Double Due Process, Now That's Special

It ought to be standing room only tonight at City Hall.

First, the City Commission takes up the issue of reconsidering its May 27th denial of PAR's 308 Pine Ave. site plan. You gotta hand it to Commission Chairman John Quam for dotting the I's and crossing the T's on this one. I suspect he'll discuss his understandable desire to be complete. And should PAR feel special or what? Seriously, it's not often that a developer gets double due process. Don't expect the typical menagerie of commentators PAR loves to showcase at these meetings. Knowing Mr. Quam's agility with the gavel and assuming City Attorney Jim Dye has the gumption to stand behind his forceful recommendation that "public comment not be taken", this will be a procedural matter for Commission discussion only. Then, only the Commissioners who originally voted to deny the 308 Pine Ave. application can make a motion to reconsider. No motion means no vote and after this extra helping of due process perhaps Mr. Coleman, our Sunshine Law D'Artagnan, can now find the time to finally respond to public records requests that he's shoved aside for two months.

Next, another of the City's legal bugaboos gets the spotlight when The Banyan Tree Estates folks look to get some clarity on their project at the end of Park and Beach. With a lawsuit pending over the development of a portion of their project in an area next to the dunes where the City seeks a moratorium, at least until the issue is settled in Court, on development in a conservation zone that apparently includes those parcels. But the tract contains an abundance of parcels that would apparently not be subject to the moratorium and one expects development there to proceed. More on this sticky wicket at a later time.

And interestingly, the Hunt's project at Pine Ave and North Shore is approaching some permitting deadlines so there will be some discussion and analysis of how to proceed. One never knows what will happen when this project is the subject of discussion and analysis. Expect the unexpected.

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