Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Letter to the Editor Printed in The Sun (Posted At Author's Request)

Dear Editor:

My husband and I have just returned home from our annual vacation to Anna Maria. We have been visiting for about 10 years now to soak in its relaxing and rejuvenating effects. What makes Anna Maria so unique is the simple pleasures found in all the natural beauty that abounds and the pleasant lifestyle of its generations of longtime residents.

The fact that there are no commercial conveniences or big resorts is exactly why we prefer to spend our hard-earned time and money there. It is Paradise to us.

We were so concerned about what was printed in your paper about the current development of Pine Avenue. I am afraid plans to build and commercialize this area will start there and spread, thereby taking away the exclusive residential flavor.

During this last visit we traveled to Key West. It made me think how overdevelopment of Anna Maria could destroy what is so precious and rare. I imagine back in the time of Ernest Hemingway, and others that were inspired by this tropical refuge that is Key West, it had more to offer in the way of natural beauty and laid back lifestyle. That character is now mostly lost on the overdevelopment of condos and hotels that line the coast like a fortress and the never-ending shopping mall called Duval Street.

Also as a resident of New York City, I am involved in the fight to keep West End Avenue protected against outside developers who want to destroy our historic residences and build cost-effective generic structures that will bring down the quality and value of everything around it.

There are very few places in this world that has the energy and beauty of Anna Maria. I implore you to preserve the character that has been nurtured and cared for by its proud residents.

Diane Painter Villetri

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