Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thanks to all the great citizens of Anna Maria

The citizens of Anna Maria have spoken. Winners in top votes were Woodland, Quam and Stoltzfus, for City Commissioner.

I can only thank all the voters who went to the poles and showed that they want to keep Anna Maria as the same quaint town that they moved to and love.

You are a fantastic group of citizens.


  1. Can you say, "Sweep?"

    With heartfelt thanks to Commissioners Quam, Stoltzfus, and Woodland and congratulations to the residents of Anna Maria, here are the final results from the Manatee County Supervisor of Elections:

    David R. Gryboski 335 (14.9%)
    John J. Quam 500 (22.2%)
    Harry Stoltzfus 472 (21.0%)
    Christine L Tollette 379 (16.8%)
    Dale Woodland 560 (24.9%)

  2. Congratulations to all of the three true residential candidates, you won without the divisiveness of our other candidates.

    The residents have spoken, don't run a campaign against us; signs don't vote, dollars don't vote, people vote and they vote with their hearts and minds.

    Anna Maria voted with it's hearts and minds today. Anna Maria citizens won!

  3. With apologies and appropriate attribution to Ernest Thayer and the San Fransisco Examiner :

    ...Oh, somewhere in this favored land the sun is shining bright;
    The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light,
    And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout;
    But there is no Joy in Bonner-ville, the mighty PAR has struck out.

  4. Cathy Stoltzfus asked that the following be posted:

    Thank you friends and neighbors.


  5. Here's the text of The Sun's coverage of the Anna Maria Election. Some interesting quotes therein:


    The three candidates who were seen as against the Pine Avenue Restoration project won decisively Tuesday night.

    Incumbents Dale Woodland took 24 percent of the vote with 560 votes and John Quam came in second with 500 votes (22 percent). Newcomer Harry Stoltzfus came in third with 472 votes (21 percent). Incumbent Christine Tollette got 379 votes (16 percent) and won’t be back for a second term and David Gryboski earned 335 votes (14 percent).

    “I had a lot of good people who worked hard for us,” Woodland said. “I have to admit that elections are the part of holding office I least like, but going door-to-door is the most rewarding thing I did.”

    Woodland said he learned a lot while walking the city.

    “There were a lot of people who were concerned, and that’s a good thing,” he said. “I lot of people were polarized, and that’s something I don’t like. We’ve got to get over the polarization real quickly.”

    Quam said he was pleased with the voter turnout, and he agreed that the voters were polarized.

    “I’m disappointed with the negativity in this election and how the developers divided this city,” he said.

    Restaurateur Ed Chiles, who is also one of the backers of the Pine Avenue Restoration project, said he was disappointed with the results.

    “I felt like Chris and David (Gryboski) ran great campaigns,” he said. “People associated them with our project and I feel bad about that.”

    Chiles said that they have built two structures on Pine Avenue and they intend to build within the code on the new ones.

    “We are building a lot less than is allowed and a lot more than is required,” he said. “I am optimistic that the elected candidates have said they are not anti-business and we can work with them to save the small percentage of land in this city that is commercial.”

    Stoltzfus said that he is happy with the result and will work to save the residential flavor of Anna Maria.

  6. "People associated them with our project and I feel bad about that," says Ed Chiles as quoted in The Sun story. Question Ed: How can you feel bad about that, when it was PAR's point man, Michael Coleman, that was out front promoting YOUR candidates? And was that you I saw on Gulf Drive on election day urging people to vote for them? We're not stupid, Ed, so quit treating us like we are.


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