Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mayberry by The Sea

Received this item in an email the other day, written by Commissioner Dale Woodland's son. Enjoy.

Mayberry By The Sea

An amazing thing happened on November 3, 2009, and it happened right here in Anna Maria, FL. By all rights, it was what should have happened, but nonetheless, it was impressive and would have made even Andy Griffith proud. It was an election, and America decided to show up. While neighboring areas struggled with turn out, most under 20%, Anna Maria City boasts a 60% voter turnout and an election result that all of America can learn from and be proud of.

I refer to Anna Maria City as Mayberry By The Sea. It is filled with neighbors who know each other, wave at each other and passers-by, and enjoy their community together. It has sheriff deputies that know their residents and share a friendly wave. Like I said, things that would put a smile on Andy Griffith's face. This is the community to where people are drawn for beauty, beaches, and a relaxed lifestyle. But it is the close-knit permanent community that fends off the troubled outside world--a drive through Anna Maria City refreshes the soul and reminds you how things should be.

In the recent election, and campaigning leading up to the election, some division was in the air. Five candidates chasing 3 seats. Three of the candidates, we will call them John, Dale, and Harry, were clear preservationists, in love with the city the way it was. The other two, Christine and the Kid, had a view of an improved city, with more business and industry; we will call them the expansionists. So with the idea of expansion comes the money, and it backs the play of the expansionists. I will leave the details to the technical writers, but suffice it to say, a few have a major stake in the city, and they brought their money for the expansionists. The expansionists also bode well with a newspaper, or what I like to call a mullet wrapper. So the duo are set, they have the money and they have the press. But the preservationists wouldn't go down, so they scraped their pennies, shook a lot of hands, and stood by their principles. So the division is set, change what we have or preserve what we have. What happens next is the most heated campaign to date, interest soaring to new levels, the ugly head of politics rearing up, an exciting time to be remembered. This leads to what did happen, what should have happened, a clear vote by a strong majority that said "Leave our Mayberry alone!" It was the right thing that happened. A victory for the trio, a defeat for the duo. A mandate for preservation of a great city, an approval for those with the courage to protect it. Anna Maria City, you make us proud!

A lesson for America was in the making that day. Our founders would be pleased that they could see their idea come alive in a small city where the people had spoken. The courage of a few supported by the passion of the community, led to the preservation of what was already there. The rest of America fights for change, searches for hope. But how many things do we need to fix that are not broken? Maybe all of America could benefit from a little more "Mayberry.” Change could be found in knowing our neighbors, shaking the hand of those around us, a polite wave to let someone know we care. Hope could be found in that America is the best place on earth, already. Americans are the strongest, smartest, and most caring people on earth; let's just remember that. Wake up America, we need not look too far to find the answers. Maybe we could start at our little Mayberry by the Sea!!


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