Tuesday, October 27, 2009

A Thankless Job

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Cathy Stoltzfus requeted that this be posted to the blog:

John Quam has served the City of Anna Maria with respect, civility and distinction. The editorial in the October 28, 2009 edition of the Islander says "...John Quam hasn't distinguished himself aside from wielding the meeting gavel."

I beg to differ.

I am proud to know John Quam, grateful to him for his part in maintaining our piece of paradise, appreciative for the years of selfless service to the City of Anna Maria. He is a true gentlemen.

The Islander has distinguished itself by a profound lack of respect and civility.

Cathy Stoltzfus


  1. In its editorial this week, The Islander says, “…John Quam hasn’t distinguished himself aside from wielding the meeting gavel.”

    During my three terms in office, I served alongside John. In each of those years, he was voted Chairman of the Commission, unanimously, by his peers. There are many reasons; chief among them is his steady, disciplined leadership.

    John Quam has devoted his life to this city. And if anyone is responsible for the Commission’s transition from the virtual spectacle it was before his Chairmanship to respectability, it is he.

    For the editor of The Islander to publish such a statement is disrespectful, uninformed, and ill mannered. I have read my last issue of this publication.

  2. Was asked to post the following:
    Dear Bonner,
    We have been fortunate to be property owners on Anna Maria Island for 11 years, registered voters for 4 years and permanent residents of Anna Maria for 3 years. During our tenure as citizens, we have remained committed to our community and have embraced the life style and quality of living that exists. We chose to purchase a single family home in Anna Maria and sold our condominium in Holmes Beach due to our preference to reside permanently in a city that catered to residents and welcomed visitors. The availability and access to businesses was not and is not our reason for locating or staying. I have heard countless other neighbors expressing very similar sentiment regarding their belief in our city, residential first.

    We attended the political rally last week in front of your office. It was obvious to us and to many others that your objective for the event was not to be objective. Although all candidates were invited and given the opportunity to speak, the event had a very partial atmosphere.

    Good politics is healthy; however, a slanted approach to reaching a conclusion and "straw vote" result with stacked voters, wreaked of favoritism. Voters from everywhere, with no residency proof, descended on the ballots voting for Anna Maria candidates no matter where they lived, achieving the results that you were obviously looking for--a resounding victory for the "pro business" candidates. What a surprise to read the results in this week’s edition. Could it just be a figment of my imagination that you favor the "business" candidates because they and their business connections buy ads? Or, am I just being cynical?, I think not!

    You have a right to your opinion like all others, however, when you characterize a man of John Quam’s integrity, commitment and service to our City by stating his primary contribution has been to yield the gavel, it is obvious that your opinion is shallow. I understand the power of the pen Ma’m, but you don't have a monopoly on that commodity, and the good people of Anna Maria know how fortunate we have been to be represented by Mr. Quam. Civility, calmness, judgment, fairness, and an unyielding devotion to the interests of our City are just some of the attributes that he possesses. It is unfortunate that in the stroke of your pen the characteristics that really count were omitted. Mr. Quam was not elected Chairman by a "straw vote," he has continuously been elected Chairman, by his peers!

    Terry and Vicky Schaefer


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